
Unearthing Risks: European Ground Motion Service Data Fuels Analysis of Urban Infrastructure

Detektia leverages radar technology and AI to provide early warnings of ground motion risks to urban infrastructure, such as subsidence in Genoa's flood tunnel and structural stress in buildings in San Sebastian, using data from the European Ground Motion Service.

It is easy to forget that the ground on which we stand is not as solid as it seems. The Earth’s surface is in constant motion, and when it moves, there are consequences. Though earthquakes are certainly the most dramatic example of this, many things cause the ground to shift—from natural phenomena like landslides and sinkholes to human activities like mining and tunnelling. When such events occur in urban areas, the effects can be particularly destructive. 


In 2019, Candela Sancho Garcia co-founded a company called Detektia to address what she perceived as a lack of data and services designed to assess the risks ground motion presents to urban infrastructure. Detektia operates mostly in Europe and Latin America, and provides a product called eyeRADAR, which combines Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technology, machine learning, and artificial intelligence algorithms to provide early warnings of infrastructure deormation. The eyeRADAR product relies on the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service’s European Ground Motion Service (EGMS)—a product which provides information on ground movement across the entire European continent with millimetre precision—to establish baselines against which to compare current measurements of surface deformation in Europe.  “For us,” Candela says, “it is an extremely useful tool to know, like, really fast if something has happened in the past six years in a certain area.”

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Structural Health Monitoring

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