
Inițiativa Consiliului Internațional al Codului sprijină progresul clădirilor pentru a promova clădirile durabile și rezistente.

International Code Council Initiative Supports the Buildings Breakthrough to Advance Sustainable and Resilient Buildings

The Launch of the Buildings Breakthrough at COP28 is Supported by 28 Countries, including the United States and China

During the thematic day for Multilevel Action, Urbanization and Built Environment/Transport held on December 6 at the global climate conference, #COP28UAE, the Buildings Breakthrough was formally launched.

The Buildings Breakthrough is a cross-sectoral campaign to support governments in the universal adoption and implementation of near-zero emission and resilient buildings by 2030. It is supported by 18 private-sector led initiatives, including the Building Capacity for Sustainable and Resilient Buildings Initiative led by the International Code Council.

“The International Code Council has long recognized the essential role buildings play in our world and the impact they have on the sustainability and resilience of people and the planet,” said ICC Chief Executive Dominic Sims, CBO. “We applaud the attention global leaders have placed on supporting advances in the sector and stand ready to assist in the development and implementation of the solutions that governments and the building industry need to achieve climate adaptation and mitigation goals.”

The next steps under the Breakthrough include developing priority actions to drive progress. This action setting will occur at a first of its kind meeting of building and construction related ministers in March 2024 in Paris, France.

The International Code Council-led capacity building initiative recognized today is also supported by Architecture 2030, ASHRAE, Building Designers Association of Australia (BDAA), Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC), HOK, International Building Quality Center (IBQC), International Living Future Institute (ILFI), Materials & Embodied Carbon Leaders’ Alliance (MECLA), +LAB Architects, RESALLIENCE, Saint-Gobain, and U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).

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